Monday, 11 April 2022

Can You Park A Camper Van On The Street?

 Can You Park A Camper Van On The Street

Can You Park A Camper Van On The Street?

If you are new to Camper Vans, or have just bought your first Camper Van and you are dying to take it out on the road, you are probably asking yourself if you can park a Camper Van on the street or not.

Well, the good news is, you can almost certainly park your camper van outside of your house, on the street, providing there are no regulations stating that you can’t park it there clearly on show.

For anyone visiting this from outside of the UK, I apologise, because this post is written with the UK Camper Van and Motorhome market and it’s regulations in mind.

The UK is where I live once again, at least for now, and I don’t currently know the regulations for anywhere else other than for the UK and Spain.

Spain is where we lived until recently, and it is where I was when I owned my first Camper Van. I spent hours and hours researching where I could and could not take and park my Camper Van legally.

Spain is a country that is extremely well known for it’s red tape in every part of life. The ownership of Camper Vans and the Traffic Regulations relating to them are certainly no different.

There appears to be two main questions that come up regularly during my research, they are namely:

  • Where can you park an empty Camper Van?
  • Where can you park a Camper Van and actually stay in it overnight?

They are both obviously very closely related, but they also have their differences. So let’s have a look at them both, as well as a few other things related to Camper Van regulations and and where you can and can’t park them, hopefully we’ll be able to clear at least a few things up.

Where Are You Permitted To Park An Empty Camper Van?

When it comes to our initial question of “Can You Park A Camper Van On The Street”? If it is an empty Camper Van, one without people staying in it that we are talking about, then the answer is yes, almost always…

There is no current traffic regulation that I am aware of, or that I have been able to find preventing you from parking your Camper Van on the public street, provided there are no clearly visible signs stating otherwise.

Can You Park A Camper Van On The Street - Parking Restrictions

That is to say, visible signs such as parking restrictions that are applicable to all vehicles. Things like double yellow or single yellow lines, or the fact that the street or road you plan to park on being an Urban Clearway, amongst others restricted stopping areas. If there is not a Parking Restriction showing, then you are permitted to park your Camper Van there.


Friday, 8 April 2022

Is Trail Running Good For Low Mood?


Is Trail Running Good For Low Mood?

Amongst all of these things, my big passion is, and probably always will be Trail Running. Trail Running is my go to place when I need to be alone with my thoughts and to contemplate things that are getting on top of me or getting me down.

Trail Running is the best method I have ever come across for lifting my mood if I begin to feel down. But, why is Trail Running good for low mood? More importantly, is Trail Running good for lifting everyone’s low mood, or just mine?

I thought something as important as this deserved some further research, not just my personal opinions, especially in these currently rather depressing times. Here’s what I managed to find out.

Is There A Scientific Link Between Trail Running And Getting Over Low Mood?

Is Trail Running Good For Low Mood - Scientific Link

During my research I came across a whole raft of scientific research that strongly link spending time in the outdoors with lifting low mood and depression. So there is definitely a scientific link there. Read more...

Saturday, 2 April 2022

Why do my Walking Boots Hurt the Back of my Leg?

 Why do my Walking Boots Hurt the Back of my Leg

Why do my Walking Boots Hurt the Back of my Leg?

I know I have had this issue on many occasions in the past, and it has always been due to the same recurring issues. So exactly why do my Walking Boots hurt the back of my legs now and then, even as an experienced hiker?

Hopefully by pointing out the main reasons why we get leg pain when hiking will help you to avoid getting it yourself, so let’s dive in.

Why Are My Walking Boots Rubbing?

Why do my Walking Boots Hurt the Back of my Leg - Boots Rubbing

There are multiple reasons that you walking boots could be causing some form of rubbing pain, or even the dreaded blisters on the back of your leg or heel, here are the main ones:

  • Boots not broken in properly yet
  • Heel Lift inside your boot
  • Laces not done up tight enough
  • Boots laced incorrectly
  • Buying poorly designed boots
  • Ankle Support too high or too low for your personal shape of ankle
  • Socks moving or bunching
  • Walking with wet feet inside your boots for too long

By simply being aware of what could turn into be a potential rubbing factor, we can mitigate the risk of almost all of them from occurring. Let’s have a look at each of them in turn: Read more...