Saturday, 26 June 2021

How Much Water to Take on a Hike?


How Much Water to Take on a Hike?

Each person’s water requirements are different, and you will need to learn how much water to take on a hike from experience and carry different quantities accordingly

How Much Water to Take on a Hike

How Much Water to Take on a Hike?

Learning how much water to take on a hike is a vitally important skill to learn because the body of a fully developed adult is in the region of 60% water. This percentage of water can get depleted pretty rapidly even with some light to moderate exercise. When our water percentage drops it can severely deteriorate our physical and mental performance. So, if you are planning on going for an arduous hike, it is vitally important to stay hydrated if you want to remain at a high functioning level.


Thursday, 24 June 2021

5 Safety Tips for Women who Hike Alone


5 Safety Tips for Women who Hike Alone

Women who hike alone need to be confident that they have planned properly, researched the correct information, packed the appropriate gear and have sufficient drive and determination to get through any situation

5 Safety Tips for Women who Hike Alone

Hiking with family and friends provides a peaceful environment in which you can spend some quality time with each other and understand your loved one’s strengths and weaknesses a bit better. However, for women who hike alone venturing out into the outdoors solo offers its own benefits.


Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Where to Pee when Hiking?


Where to Pee when Hiking?

If you've ever wondered Where to Pee when Hiking, read on...

where to pee when hiking trails

Where to Pee when Hiking?

More people than ever are getting attracted to hiking, thanks to its growing popularity and significant physical and psychological benefits. While it is wonderful to discover the joy of nature, a few inconveniences are also a part of hiking. One such inconvenience is a general lack of toilet facilities in the outdoors. Where to pee when hiking is a genuine concern, and a subject that is rarely addressed. While many trails have regularly cleaned and serviced bathrooms for general use at the start and finish points, usually in the car parks or provided at a local restaurant or cafĂ©, some trails do not have any at all. Read more...

Monday, 21 June 2021

Buying Hiking Clothes on a Budget


Buying Hiking Clothes on a Budget

The only hiking clothes I won't buy used is footwear. Other potential backpacking clothes are worth checking out whenever I find them at a Car Boot Sale sale or in a Charity Shop

Searching for Hiking Clothes

Hiking Clothes and other associated Backpacking and Camping wear are usually made in a more complex and scientific way to your everyday wear, it is also made according to the specialist requirements and demands of their usage.

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Want to Spend More Time Outdoors? Then Read On


How to Spend More Time Outdoors

How to Spend more time Outdoors. Last week I asked the question on our Facebook Page: “What’s the biggest thing holding you back from more Outdoors time“? Here are the top 6 answers you gave.....Read More

Bonding while Hiking with your Dog

Good Sleep is Essential when Camping


Why Good Sleep is Essential when Camping

Good Sleep is Essential when Camping - where to pitch your tent

The importance of sleep cannot be overlooked during a Camping Trip, Adventurous Journey or indeed any Outdoor Adventure.

Good Sleep is Essential when Camping for our body's well being. When you can't get to sleep, it's torture and it is doing you harm. When insomnia rears it's ugly head, or you're just tired, wet, hungry and uncomfortable most people would give anything just to nod off. Click the link above to read more...

The 9 Main Groups of Equipment for Outdoor Adventures


The 9 Main Groups of Equipment for Outdoor Adventures

Ever wondered what Equipment for Outdoor Adventures take with you? Don't worry, here's an Essential Guide to get you Started.....

Camping Equipment Laid Out

What Equipment for Outdoor Adventures Do I Need To Take?

There are nine main groups of Equipment for Outdoor Adventures, we’ll break them down into more detail, but here they are in general:

  • Shelter
  • Bedding
  • Cooking and Eating
  • Clothing
  • Personal Hygiene
  • First Aid
  • Navigation
  • Backpacks
  • General Comfort/Everything Else

How you choose to do your adventure is totally down to the individual and can range from Minimalist almost Survivalist packing to Inspector Gadget and taking the kitchen sink. Your choice will probably be based on your experience of the outdoors, and your tolerance to discomfort. Always remember though, the more Equipment for Outdoor Adventures you take, the more you will have to carry. Read More...

10 Ways to Prepare your Feet for Hiking


10 Ways to Prepare your Feet for Hiking

You can harden and strengthen the skin on your feet for hiking by simply walking barefoot indoors and sometimes outdoors such as around your garden if you have one. Start slowly by walking around your backyard

How to toughen up your feet for hiking

How to Toughen Up your Feet for Hiking

Hiking is one of the best ways to spend time in nature and admire its beauty. However, if you are new to hiking and your feet are still soft, the longer you hike, the more common it becomes to get blisters, hotspots or just sore and aching feet. Whether it’s because you are wearing your new hiking shoes or it’s your first hike of the season after a lay off, the pain of blisters or sore feet can cause a total change of plans or even cancellation just when you are all set to go out on hike. Read More....

Sunday, 20 June 2021

Do I Need Hiking Boots to Hike?


Do I Need Hiking Boots to Hike?

So, if anyone ever asks you ask "Do I need hiking boots to hike?", you can answer them 'Yes'. Proper hiking boots give you a mix of protection, comfort, and grip while hiking

Do I need hiking boots to hike

Why is it necessary to Wear Hiking Boots to Hike?

As far as hiking is concerned, one thing is sure that wearing the wrong footwear can be simply disastrous! Almost all experienced hikers will tell you that you should be wearing hiking boots to hike. Specialised king boots that are best equipped footwear for withstanding multiple types of terrain. If you are just going for a flat, quick, day hike on a well defined trail, you may get away with wearing regular shoes or a pair of trainers, but if you are going for a proper hike on a challenging trail, then you must be a bit more cautious about choosing the right footwear. In the following short post we will discuss several reasons why wearing a proper pair hiking boots to hike trails is necessary.

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Friday, 18 June 2021

The Hiking Equipment beginners need to Get Started?


Hiking Equipment beginners need to Get Started

Hiking is an excellent pastime for physical exercise and weight management, and at the same time it is a pick me up for mood and relaxation, and a healthy experience. Nature’s beauty calms your spirit, reduces stress, improves brain power, regulates weight, burns calories and keeps you physically fit. What’s not to like? Hiking is a wonderful activity to get immersed in the outdoors lifestyle rather than being stuck in the house or an office. While Hiking or Hill Walking you are going to be spending the day or the hours moving relatively slowly on your own two feet. This will give you the time and the opportunity so that you can admire the beauty of nature at your own comfortable pace. With just a little planning and the right preparation, it is an affordable activity that almost anyone can do.

You will however need to procure the right hiking equipment in order to maximize your enjoyment of the outdoors and to stay safe. If you are a beginner, here’s a basic hiking equipment checklist to ensure that you don’t forget to take anything that you might need once you are out there.

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Wednesday, 16 June 2021

10 Reasons Why You Need To Know How To Scare Away Cows

How to scare away Cows

10 Reasons Why You Need To Know How To Scare Away Cows

This was the point when I realised that Cows are actually pretty dangerous. If only I had known then How to Scare Away Cows...

How to Scare Away Cows? My “True” Cow Story!

I found out the hard way that you need to know how to scare away cows for when the situation unexpectedly arises. Cows can be aggressive, dangerous and a real nuisance. That’s right “Cows”, not massive bulls with sharp horns, but medium sized Doe Eyed, no horned, cuddly looking cows!

We were in Austria learning to Paraglide on a small beginner’s slope when a group of cows took an unhealthy interest in what we were doing and proceeded to pop over and take a closer look. Being a City Boy I thought nothing of it. 


How Do Self Inflating Sleeping Pads Work?

So, I suppose you'll want to know: How self inflating sleeping pads work. What type of models there are. And, what you should keep in mind whilst caring for and maintaining them?

Self Inflating Sleeping Pads, the Facts

How self inflating sleeping pads work

Self Inflating Sleeping Pads have become somewhat of a focus of mine over the last few years. It started a few years ago when I first slept on one and was amazed at the ease of inflating it and the comfort of sleeping on a self inflating sleeping pad. The journey continued with me taking a course on how to have goods manufactured overseas and importing them into the UK, then taking the step of having our own brand Self Inflating Sleeping Pads manufactured and sold on Amazon.

Our self inflating sleeping pads after testing
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