Sunday 4 September 2022

Where Can You Store Your Motorhome?

 Where Can You Store Your Motorhome

Where Can You Store Your Motorhome?

Sooner or later you are going to have to face the question of whether to store your Motorhome or not. When we buy our Motorhomes, we believe we are going to use them every weekend and holiday, but that generally turns out not to be the case.

So what should you do with your large, expensive and much loved Motorhome when it’s not in use? Hopefully reading through the next few short paragraphs will help you to decide on the best option.

Should You Store Your Motorhome If It’s Not Being Used?

Where Can You Store Your Motorhome - In A Storage Facility

This is the first and a very important question that you should be asking yourself once you realise that your Motorhome is spending too much time in limbo.

The answer, of course will mainly depend on your own personal circumstances. Where you live, when you plan to use it next, if you have a large driveway or plot of land, if you have other vehicles and how many you have, or even “Can you afford to pay for storage”?

The list of circumstances and considerations is almost endless, but looking after your Motorhome and preventing it from damage, corrosion, theft or worse should be at the forefront of your mind when you make your decision.

Most people come to the sensible decision to store their Motorhomes when they aren’t in use. The next question that has to be answered is of course. Where do you store your Motorhome? Read more...

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