Can I Lose Weight By Hill Walking?

I, and many others define Hill Walking as walking in the countryside and hiking, usually carrying some form of Daysack of Backpack and wearing specialist footwear. Not just walking up and down a few steep hills in the middle of a suburban town.
Yes, you can lose weight by Hill Walking, and pretty quickly too. Normal walking such as walking around your local Park, Lake or City is a form of exercise that many people think will help them to lose weight, but don’t be fooled. Evolution has modelled our bodies over millennia to be extremely efficient at walking, so we won’t burn that many calories doing it. That is unless of course, we take our bodies out of the comfort zone of simply walking and add in some hills.
Adding hills into your walking workouts is where things become interesting in terms of weight loss.
Is Hill Walking a Good Way to Lose Weight?
Hill Walking is a good way to lose weight. It is also an extremely enjoyable and efficient way to lose weight. Let’s have a look at why.

When we go hill walking, we add in numerous other health benefits to our workout. Being in the green open spaces of nature has a relaxing and calming effect on the human mind and body. Being away from the hustle and bustle of cities and towns is also a welcome break. There is also the fact that we will be breathing in large amounts of fresh country air, which has to be better for us than sucking in exhaust fumes if we were walking around town.
Next of course is the variety of the training provided by the terrain itself. It takes a lot more effort Hill Walking on undulating terrain than it does to walk on a treadmill.
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