How To Scare Away Cows
How to Scare Away Cows? My “True” Cow Story!
I found out the hard way that you need to know how to scare away cows for when the situation unexpectedly arises. Cows can be aggressive, dangerous and a real nuisance. That’s right “Cows”, not massive bulls with sharp horns, but medium sized Doe Eyed, no horned, cuddly looking cows!

We were in Austria learning to Paraglide on a small beginner’s slope when a group of cows took an unhealthy interest in what we were doing and proceeded to pop over and take a closer look. Being a City Boy I thought nothing of it.
However, in their inquisitive wander over to see us, a bit of a battle to get there first began between the group (I now know it’s a Herd). One after another they began to jostle for first place and all the time speeding up.
As there were around a dozen of them it looked kind of amusing to me, a “Cow Race”. LOL. With me coming from Gateshead and therefore being totally unaware of the dangers of cows I had a bit of a chuckle at the ever increasing desperation of each individual Cow’s desire to be at the front. As any blissfully unaware guy would do, I carried on folding my Paraglider to walk back up the hill.
At this point some of the other students began to “Leg it” up the hill. I thought to myself “They are only cows man”, and carried on walking.
It was at around a picosecond after that thought that the head of the new leader of the Cow race made contact with the middle of my back and knocked me flying, much to the amusement of the lads who had legged it. When I say knocked, it was more launched me flying as the power of the contact was seriously unexpected.
As I dusted myself off and picked up my shattered pride to the soundtrack of howling laughter from my mates, the cows proceeded to circle me like Sharks that had just got a whiff of blood, stand on my toe, trample all over my very expensive Paraglider and generally jostle me to try to find out what was going on.

Luckily for me, as I didn’t have a clue how to scare away cows, their interest levels are pretty low and they decided rather quickly to wander back down the hill. This was the point when I realised that Cows are actually pretty dangerous and I began to wonder what I would have done if they hadn’t lost interest. This is when I realised that I had no idea whatsoever of “How To Scare Away Cows“.
These Guys wish they knew How to Scare Away Cows. LOL
A couple of guys were Outdoors trying out their new camera, when a herd of inquisitive cows took an interest, just as the herd did when I was Paragliding. The situation ends up being a funny recorded encounter that they could share with their friends and post on YouTube. However, things could have been so much worse if one of them had tripped up, or the herd had caught them. Take a look, it’s quite scary and entertaining…Read more...
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