Thursday, 31 March 2022

What Are The Benefits Of Carrying A Heavy Backpack?


What Are The Benefits Of Carrying A Heavy Backpack?

What Are The Benefits Of Carrying A Heavy Backpack

Carrying or Hiking with an excessively heavy backpack, also known as Rucking is a well known and very efficient way to exercise, lose weight and get fit quickly. It has a long and well documented history in the Military as a means to get it’s soldiers into shape quickly, and for good reason. Carrying a heavy backpack get’s results.

But what are the benefits of carrying a heavy backpack, and are they available to everyone? In the following few paragraphs we’ll have a closer look at the main benefits and drawbacks of Carrying a Heavy Backpack as an aid to training our bodies.

Will Carrying A Heavy Backpack Burn More Calories?

What Are The Benefits Of Carrying A Heavy Backpack - Calories Burned

This is an easy question to answer and it is a resounding Yes. If you are doing the same hike, with or without wearing a heavy backpack, you will burn more Calories when doing it with the backpack, fact.

A simple analogy would be “Moving a bigger truck requires more fuel than moving a smaller one”. If we make ourselves significantly heavier, which we will be doing by carrying a heavy backpack, we will need to burn more Calories in the form of Glycogen and Fat to enable our bodies to continue to move.

Sustaining this higher level of calorie burning over an extended distance, such as when we are on a hike, will help us to burn significantly more calories than we would do if we were doing the hike and not carrying the backpack.

Does Carrying A Heavy Backpack Build Endurance?

What Are The Benefits Of Carrying A Heavy Backpack - Building Endurance

What is building endurance? Endurance is described as our body’s physical capability to sustain an exercise for an extended period of time without having to quit physically or mentally.

Endurance can be thought of similarly to a muscle, the more we exercise it and push it to it’s limits the more it will grow.

Hiking with a Heavy Backpack, especially for extended periods of time, will increase your cardiovascular fitness, build muscle strength, build stamina and toughen us up mentally. This is one of the reasons that military forces from all around the globe have used Backpacking, Rucking, Yomping or Load Carrying, to name but a few of it’s names as a major part of their strength and endurance building training packages.

If you want to build up strength and endurance quickly, go hiking while carrying a heavy backpack, it really works. Read more...

Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Where Can I Buy A Camper Van?


Where Can I Buy A Camper Van?

Where Can I Buy A Camper Van

Are you on the lookout for your first Camper Van? Have you already spent hours scrolling through hundreds of pages on the internet and driving around all the local dealerships?

If this is you and you’re still asking yourself “Where can I buy a Camper Van that is good quality, reliable and not get ripped off”? Then this post might be just what you are looking for.

What Are My Choices When It Comes To Where To Buy A Camper Van From?

Where Can I Buy A Camper Van - How To Choose

There are numerous places that you can pick up a Camper Van. The sale of Camper Vans and Motorhomes, both in new and used versions has become big business, especially with the rise of Covid and with so many people not flying abroad for their vacations and holidaying at home instead.

It seems like everyone is getting in on the act of buying and selling Camper Vans, so let’s have a look at who the main players are, and some of the possibly not so obvious places that you might be able to pick up your new holiday home on wheels.

When you are looking to buy a Camper Van you have to opportunity to:

  • Buy direct from the Manufacturer or Coachbuilder
  • Buy from a Main Dealership
  • Buy a Trade In from a General Car or Van Dealership
  • Buy at a Car or Specialist Camper Van Auction
  • Buy from an Online Auction Site or a Classified Ad either Printed or Online (Gumtree, Facebook Marketplace)
  • Buy from an Individual by word of mouth or from a sign spotted in a Camper Van Window

Each of these places where you could buy your Camper Van come with pro’s and con’s, so let’s have a look at them in more detail to maybe help you decide which is the best option for you. Read more...

Saturday, 26 March 2022

Can I Go Hiking In The Rain With Glasses?


Can I Go Hiking In The Rain With Glasses?

Can I Go Hiking In The Rain With Glasses

Unfortunately the sands of time are catching up with me, I’m getting older and my eyes have begun to fade like most people of my age. I have recently had my eyes tested and I’ve had to get my self fitted with Varifocals.

To be fair, I’m ok with that, even though I was a bit against wearing glasses at first. I’ve been picking up cheap disposable reading glasses from local shops for a while now as close-up things such as food labels were looking a bit blurry, but a proper eye test has revealed that I struggle with long distance vision too.

It was like a revelation when I put my new glasses on for the first time and looked along the street outside the opticians. I didn’t realise how much my sight had degraded until it was restored.

I had some fun for the first week getting used to them, such as misjudging distance and bumping into things as everyone new to varifocals does, but I’m used to them now.

Something soon popped into my head. How are my new glasses going to be when I go Hiking? Can I go hiking in the rain with glasses? Will they slip down my nose or fog up? I really didn’t know the answers until I researched this, so here are my findings. I hope they help you as they helped me as a new glasses wearer and an old die hard Hiker.

Are There Specialist Hiking Glasses?

Can I Go Hiking In The Rain With Glasses - Specialist Hiking Glasses

As I’d already been tested for my lenses and had my glasses made, I was probably a bit late to ask this question. My glasses were surprisingly expensive. As a previously non-glasses wearer I simply wasn’t aware of what was available in the glasses world or how much anything was going to cost me.

Were my new glasses, which looked good and worked great going to be any use for Hiking at all? Read more...

Thursday, 24 March 2022

How Much Is A Camper Van?


How Much Is A Camper Van?

How Much is a Camper Van

Owning a Camper Van has been popular for years here in the UK. The market for new and second hand Camper Vans has been growing to meet that demand. Suddenly the desire to be a Camper Van owner has seen a rapid spike and the market can barely keep up. The price of Campervans has risen in line with this demand. So how much is a Camper Van now? We’re about to explore the subject and find out.

Why The Sudden Increased Demand For Camper Vans?

How Much Is A Camper Van - Camper Van Popularity

Why have we had this spike in demand for Camper Vans? Let’s be straight about this. There was already a healthy demand for Camper Vans. But this new and rapid spike is almost all due to the rise of Covid and the sudden popularity of the Staycation (holidaying at home instead of abroad).

The fear of firstly catching and dying from Covid by going abroad and being amongst large crowds of unvaccinated people has convinced many to stay home. Then there are the contributing factors being on a flight breathing the recirculated air from the other passengers, and the worry of sudden flight cancellations which we suffered from greatly living in Spain but coming from the UK, there were the lists of Red, Banned Countries, PCR Requirements and of course, to top it off, Quarantine Regulations on return.

What Kinds Of Camper Vans Are Available?

There are two main markets for Camper Vans, the second hand market and the new market. Prices will vary wildly depending on which market you shop. We’ll look at how much Camper Vans are selling for in both so that you have a good Idea what you should be paying.

Camper Vans can also be grouped into Coach-built or DIY Models. We’ll only look at Coach-built models here, as they would be the only ones most people would consider if they were was making an expensive purchase such as this.

Camper Vans in both of the aforementioned markets, new and second hand, can be further broken down by their size and the facilities they offer. Camper Vans come it the following groups:

  • Car Sized Camper Vans
  • Work Van Sized Camper Vans
  • RV Camper Vans
  • Luxury Camper Vans

Let’s have a look at what’s currently available in each of these groups, and what they are selling for.

Car Sized Camper Vans

How Much Is A Camper Van - Micro Camper Vans

Car Sized Camper Vans or Mini Campers as they are also popularly called are very popular here in the UK and fill a certain niche market. They are well suited for the Hiking or Fishing overnight stays, but not so much for long term living.


Monday, 21 March 2022

Are Camper Vans Worth Buying?


Are Camper Vans Worth Buying?

Are Camper Vans Worth Buying

Buying a Camper Van is associated with buying into a lifestyle choice of freedom from the shackles of normality. You can go where the wind takes you and be free of the ties of a normal mundane life.

No more repetitive daily routines in the same static place, no more monthly household bills and of course you will have the opportunity to save a whole load of cash as you are living far more cost effectively.

But does the reality match the dream? Are Camper Vans worth buying? Well, hopefully, as a previous Camper Van owner and someone who is considering buying and living in one full time, I can clear a few things up for you to help you to decide for your self.

How Much Will A Camper Van Cost Me?

Are Camper Vans Worth Buying - Initial Camper Van Purchase Price

The price of Camper Vans vary wildly. I’m writing this with a view to the UK Camper Van market as that’s where I currently live, but I have experience of the Spanish market too.

I am also aware that there is a massive market for Camper Vans and RVs in the USA and across other affluent countries, and I keep a close eye on what’s happening there too.

The price you pay for your Camper Van is going to depend on a lot of contributing factors, namely:

  • The size of Camper Van you need
  • The age of the Camper Van
  • The model of Camper Van
  • The condition of the Camper Van
  • What fuel the Camper Van uses
  • The engine size and power output
  • The specification of fixtures and fittings
  • How much storage space the Camper Van has and where it is

Let’s have a look at each of these factors in a bit more detail before coming to a ball park figure of how much you should be paying for a Camper Van. Read more..

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Does Walking Burn Fat on Thighs?


Does Walking Burn Fat on Thighs?


As I write this, the Spring is just beginning to appear, and the trails around where I live are suddenly beginning to fill up with Walkers again, which is great to see.

Many people will be looking to burn off some of the excess weight that they have put on over the festive period, especially the fatty deposits around the thighs that the ladies dislike so much.

So, does walking burn fat on thighs? I would say the answer is definitely Yes, but let’s take a deeper look at how and why we should be able to burn off our thigh fat by simply walking.

How Do We Get Fat On Our Thighs In The First Place?

Does Walking Burn Fat On Thighs - Calories In Vs Calories Out

In simple terms, we get Fat on out Thighs by constantly eating more Calories than we burn off. When we put in too many Calories our intelligent bodies store some of it as Fat so that it can be called upon it times of need, such as Famine.

It makes sense for our bodies to store Fat, as it is a powerful form of energy when it is called on to be burned, it is more than twice as powerful as burning Carbohydrates.

Interestingly, where we store our Fat, and how much Fat we store depend largely on our Gender and our Age. Men tend to store more of their excess Fat as Beer Bellies and Women store the majority of their Fat on their Thighs and Buttocks. We also tend to store more excess Fat as we get older and less active.

This is not an exact science and in some cases you will see men with fatty thighs and women with beer bellies, but as a general rule it stands true. Read More...

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Does Trail Running Build Endurance?


Does Trail Running Build Endurance?

Does Trail Running Build Endurance

Trail Running is an enjoyable, Natural, Healthy and Free Sport that is good for the Body and Mind. In this post we’ll discuss exactly what Endurance is and why Trail Running will build it up.

But the short answer is, Yes, Trail Running builds endurance and it does it fast.

What is Endurance?

Endurance is our ability to Endure (put up with) an unpleasant or difficult situation for a prolonged amount of time without giving up.

So, How Does Trail Running Build Endurance?

Does Trail Running Build Endurance - Trail Running

Well, to answer that question we are going to have to dig a little deeper into what Trail Running is and what it puts our bodies through.

When we use the expression “Build up Endurance” we could be referring to one of the many types of Endurance that we can have. Here are the main types of Endurance associated with Trail Running and life in general.

  • Cardiovascular Endurance
  • Physical Endurance
  • Mental Endurance

Each of these types of Endurance can also be broken down into further sub-sections too, but one thing is for sure, if you go Trail Running regularly, you are going to build your Endurance in every department as well as gain all of the other associated benefits of Trail Running too. Read more...