Is Hiking Expensive?

Currently the world is in turmoil. The United Kingdom, where I live is in a mess. We are still dealing with the massive financial fallout of leaving the EU and the effects of the Covid pandemic combined, and to top it off, as I write this, Russia has just invaded the Ukraine, the prices of both domestic and vehicle fuel have gone through the roof. The general cost of living is at an all time high and wages are still extremely low, as low as I can remember them for many years.
To top it off, staying healthy is becoming expensive. Our population is now more unhealthy than I can ever recall due to a diet of readily available, processed, unhealthy, but incredibly affordable fast food. This is the diet that so many of us are poisoning our bodies with without realising.
The cost of many healthy foods are going up in the supermarkets exponentially, and the prices of gym memberships and home sporting equipment are barely affordable to anyone.
People, in desperation are now looking for cheaper alternatives to stay healthy, and luckily the outdoors is still freely available for all of us to roam, both in this country and many others. But is Hiking expensive? Well we’re about to find out.
So, Is Hiking Expensive Or Is It Affordable?
Hiking is not expensive, or at least Hiking does not have to be expensive if you are sensible about what you spend on the basics.
You can get started in Hiking with next to no outlay on equipment. Most people already have a pair of Trainers (Sneakers), a pair of shorts or tracksuit bottoms loose enough to walk in, a coat and some form of backpack. If they don’t have them, I’m sure they could pick them up for a very affordable price.
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